I have a history of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Myalgic Encephalitis, POTTS, Chemical Sensitivities, Hyperlipidemia and Histamine intolerance. At times I have been bed ridden and totally disabled and was forced to take an early retirement as a Registered Nurse. Mainstream medicine labeled me as a hypochondriac and complementary medicine only assisted to control some of the symptoms. It was through functional medicine and epigenetic testing that I came to appreciate the role of inflammation and the importance of systemic enzymes. Through diet and supplements I have regained my health and at 74 years old I work part time as a caretaker, manage a large property and can finally exercise again. The Everly Essentials enzymes and minerals are an integral part of my daily regime that supported my return to wellness.
I've had gut health issues for some time and I'm really interested to see how the Pre and Pro Biotics can help - great information and big help to start my process, will plan to follow up with my review on how it works for me in the coming months.
In May 2021, we joined some friends camping in San Diego. When I arrived, I discovered I had forgot my enzymes. We did A LOT of walking, bike riding, etc. for 5 days. By the time I got home, I could barely walk. I took 4 EverACTIVE and 2 EverZYME that evening, then again the next morning. By that afternoon I was back on track and out of pain. I will never forget again! If we had stayed longer, I would not have enjoyed the last of my vacation!
Great team at Everly and great products from years of research & focus on health.